AI Copilot for private equity and venture capital firms

trusted by top investors across the us

due diligence done in a zippy

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Our AI analyst helps you analyze dealsn5X faster and helps you review and close more deals than you usually would

Get comprehensive insights in days not weeks or months

Identify risks, opportunities and get any deal related query's answer in no time

Integrate with your favorite data sources for quick benchmarking and analysis

Whether you want to pull deals data from google drive or from public data sources like pitchbook we've got you

find hidden red flags in diligence

How does it work?

● Upload your data room folder or link your virtual data room
● Share your due diligence questionnaire
That's it Zippy scours every document line by line to find answers for you.

Drag, Drop, Done.

Join waitlist

We've got a waiting period but are constantly onboarding firms with diverse profiles who meet our pilot criteria. If you get an invite please respond soon.

Thanks for taking the time to refer. We will keep you posted on the transaction status of your referral. Referral bonus is 10% of annual subscription fee credited over a period of 12 months.